While I am Akka fun, Typesafe follower, in this post I will continue presenting scala on JEE 6 environment and introduce basic message driven bean (MDB ) using scala language.

As an example let’s take a simple one MDB that will consome operation command like add and substract and my be asked to replay by the result

I- Exchange API

sealed trait TOperation
case class Add(x:Int) extends  TOperation
case class Sub(x:Int) extends TOperation
case class Sum extends TOperation
case class Count(x:Int) extends TOperation

II- The listener

The object

object MDbListener {
  var count = 0
  val L = Logger.getLogger(classOf[MDbListener])

The class

  mappedName = "jms/toMdb",
  activationConfig = Array(
    new ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "acknowledgeMode", propertyValue = "Auto-acknowledge"),
    new ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue")))
class MDbListener extends MessageListener {
  import MDbListener._
  override def onMessage(message: Message) {
    L.debug("Message Received")
    message match {
      case o: ObjectMessage => {
          try {
            val obj = o.getObject()
            obj match {
              case action: TOperation => handle(action)
              case _ => L.warn("Unkownen msg")
          } catch {
            case ex: Exception => L.error(">>> Exception", ex)
      case _ => L.warn("unknown msg")
  def handle(op: TOperation ) = op match {/* TODO */

Nothing especial here but be careful to not forget adding messageListenerInterface=classOf[MessageListener] on MessageDriven annotation this is because ScalaObject super class and that’s all for the listener.

III- The sender

The handle method will do mathematical operation and can be requested to send the sum to another JMS Queue.

def handle(op: TOperation ) = op match {
    case   Add(x) => count +=x
    case   Sub(x) => count -=x
    case   s:Sum =>  sendJMSMessageToTt( Count (count))
    case   c:Count => L.warn ("Wrong message destination!")

Very easy with pattern matching!

The sendJmsMessageToIt method can be done like the following

@Resource(mappedName = "jms/Rep")
 var  queue :Queue=_
 @Resource(mappedName = "jms/RepFactory")
 var  factory:ConnectionFactory=_
 private [ws ] def sendJMSMessageToTt( messageData:Count)  {
   def  createJMSMessageForjmsTt( session:Session,  messageData:Count):Message={
     val om = session.createObjectMessage()
   def tryWith[A<%{ def close()}](ac :A)(f: A=> Unit)
     try {f} finally { ac.close }
     connection => tryWith(connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)) {
        session =>  tryWith( session createProducer queue ){
                messageProducer => messageProducer.send(createJMSMessageForjmsTt(session, messageData))

Here we used an old trick to manage resources : http://www.jroller.com/ouertani/entry/scala_try_with_resources